We have finally made it into 2016 and along with that, we have finalized our tracks and recording sessions at Incident Music Labs located in Greenville, SC. This has been one of the best experiences, especially having the opportunity to work with producer and sound engineer Root Dorn. He has helped to capture our thoughts, ideas, and suggestions, and move our music to the next level. It will be a couple months for the remastering and finalized cuts but you've just got to hear it! Your first opportunity to hear some of the tracks live is January 22 at the Capri Theatre in Gaffney, SC. To my knowledge this is our first show of pure originals and we are greatly looking forward to sharing them with you. There may even be a couple of new ones that have come to fruition during this whole process but you'll just have to come check us out to see. #holdon #thetruckisrolling #staytuned